Are you one of The Vital Few?

The global groundswell continues – a new online group has been set up which encourages pension fund members to challenge their funds to disclose their investments. The agenda is simple – to protect members’ investments from the risks posed by climate change. From the website:

Maybe you reduce, reuse and recycle. Maybe you’re into using renewables, buying local, and drinking fair-trade. Maybe you’re opting out of disposable products in favour of more sustainable design. Or maybe you’re just living your life, your way, the best you can. Whatever the case, one thing’s for sure, you’re aware of how you’re spending your take-home income, you’re spending it the way you want to. But are you even remotely aware of how your pension contribution is being spent on your behalf?

Did you know that over 55% of your mandatory pension contribution is invested in high-risk, high-carbon assets with less than 2% being invested in low-carbon assets? So while you may be intentionally spending your money according to your own values, you may be accidentally investing your money in things you are completely opposed to, like dangerous high-carbon industries. This sort of investment not only jeopardises the environment but equally worringly, places your own personal finances under signficant threat.

By becoming one of The Vital Few you can take back control of your future and start to invest with intent.

More details here:

Talk to JustInvest today about investing your superannuation, pension and investments responsibly:


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